Thursday, July 31, 2014

Is fresh or frozen produce better for you?

I was recently interviewed by Harvard Men's Health Watch about the health benefits and pitfalls of fresh and frozen produce.


So which is healthier, you ask?

Read "Fresh or frozen produce? The health benefit is in the mix" to find out!

Photo credits top to bottom:,,,

Changes, Changes

I've gotten a few notes asking when I'll be posting again. Don't worry, the posts are coming - and so are a few changes!

photo credit:

The reasons for the posting hiatus are numerous life changes - getting married, moving across country, changing jobs, studying for the internal medicine board exam and finishing residency! 

Even though residency has finished, the website will retain it's name. Hey, it's catchy (read: I don't have any better ideas), what can I say? 

There are two big changes that will hopefully be rolled out in September and October. 

1) Weekly or biweekly posts

2) Videos will return - now, hopefully, with editing!

Until then, keep an eye out for a couple of posts from past interviews that are going to print over the summer.

Chef Michelle, MD